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The Ultimate Guide to Taking the Best Nap (Ever!)

March 31, 2022

Take one part of calm, a cup of meditation, and three parts of soothing sounds. Mix these all together in a large bowl, whisking until blended. And don’t forget a dash of eye mask, too. Bake at 71 degrees in a cool, breezy room for twenty minutes. And there you have it — the recipe for the best nap ever. (We’re kidding, sort of.) We wish taking the perfect nap was this easy.

You’re likely no stranger to napping but may have found it challenging to sink into your space for rest. Or, perhaps you’ve napped for too long and woken up groggy and grumpy. Luckily for you, we’ve rounded up key napping tips to create the ultimate guide to taking the best nap ever. Here’s how to get started:

1. Give yourself permission.

The first step in taking the best nap ever is to give yourself permission to rest. It may not be a specific nap-orientation action but rather one that you have to grant yourself from within — the permission to allow yourself space for self-care and rest. With everything you have going on right now, it can be easy to justify why you should skip it. You don’t really need rest, you should clean the kitchen instead, or maybe you think taking the time for yourself won’t help. It can be challenging to make space to prioritize self-care during your busiest time, but taking the time to rest is impactful to your mental help and will help you thrive the rest of your day. You deserve it.

2. Set the scene for your nap.

The ideal nap environment will vary depending on personal preferences, but a few actions across the board will likely enhance all naps. Cool, quiet, and dark environments are the most conducive to rest. Just as washing your face and brushing your teeth before bed can help get you ready for a night of rest, having a nap-time routine or ritual can also signal to the brain that it’s time for rest. Whether it’s donning fuzzy socks and your softest, silky pajamas or turning on the noise machine, these can all symbolize that it’s time to rest. So, open a window, let the breeze flow in from the afternoon, draw the shades, and get cozy, wrapping yourself in your favorite blanket. The scene has officially been set

3. Enter a magical nap headspace.

Resting during the day means pausing your to-do list and stepping away from the important moments that take up your day. To step into the magical headspace of rest, we recommend taking a few minutes for a mindful practice to shift your energy from your busy day. Not sure where to start? Hatch Sleep Memberships contain powerful meditations designed for every part of your rest routine, from meditations to stretching. A few minutes of journaling is another great option for flipping your brain’s off switch so that you can have a short rest session.

4. Block out light & sound.

Both light and sound can impede the journey to rest, especially when you have only a short period to do so! If you’re squeezing in some rest and relaxation in the afternoon, it’s crucial to eliminate these factors as much as possible. Set yourself up for success by putting on an eye mask, and using earplugs to block out light and sound. A white noise machine or blackout shades also work well to keep out the light and sound coming between you and afternoon rest.

5. Keep them short.

The longer you nap, the more likely you will be groggy when you wake up. Try to keep your naps on the shorter side, between ten to thirty minutes. Dr. Jessee R. Dietch, our favorite Oregon Sleep Expert, recommends setting an alarm to ensure you’re not taking too long of a nap. She also recommends waking up from your nap before 3 pm. After 3 pm, naps may impact your nightly sleep quality — meaning that for some folks, it can be more challenging to fall asleep. It has been said that the most glorious nap hours occur between 1-3 pm.

Ultimately, taking the best nap ever will depend on your personal preferences and who you are as a person. It’s important to remember that even if you’re not falling asleep during a nap, simply sinking into rest will allow you to have many of the same benefits of an afternoon nap. Take your time when creating these new napping habits. Making an afternoon nap routine will allow your body and mind to practice resting, and as they say, practice makes perfect. 

We’re confident that if you follow our guide, you’ll be on your way soon to taking the best nap ever!
