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How To Help Your Baby Sleep Through Fireworks: 4 Tips that Work

July 2, 2021

Whether it be the BBQs, sunshine, fireworks, or something else, most of us can find something to love about Independence Day. Except for maybe the parents of sleeping babies. Fireworks are more than a one-day thing in most towns. So how are you supposed to get your baby to sleep when you’re competing with a loud noise like fireworks? 

First and foremost, don’t worry, but be prepared. Children are adaptable to loud noises and might surprise you by sleeping peacefully while fireworks fly down the street. However, if you want to hedge your bets, read on:

White noise is anything that creates a steady and unvarying sound. Think: A vacuum, TV static, or a Hatch Rest.

White noise has plenty of benefits on even the quietest nights. For example, it soothes people of all ages, promotes relaxation and sleep, and can mask other sounds. In the case of fireworks, white noise can help cover banging with its steadfast sound.

White noise from your Hatch Rest will drown out the fireworks with the added bonus of simultaneously lulling your little one to sleep.


This might sound slightly silly, but soundproofing the baby’s room is another practical tip. This doesn’t mean creating a soundproof room. It means using techniques to muffle sound or avoid having it bounce around your child’s room.

Try adding soundproofing to the room and block noise in places like under the door. Blankets and pillows around the crevices of your baby’s room can muffle sounds. You can also try a more long-term solution like heavy-duty curtains and thick rugs on the floor. 

Engage Other Senses

How can you add to the child’s environment by calling on other senses? When we do this with smells and touch, the brain is less focused on hearing.

Some ways to incorporate this in your plan is through:

  • Lavender spray
  • Essential oil dispenser
  • Textured blanket
  • Night light

(Always check with your physician before introducing new things)

Keep Routines 

The fireworks might be out of your control, but plenty of other things are still up to you! Be sure to keep with routines and treat your baby’s sleep like any other time.

Here’s a list of things to keep the same or include in the routine for best newborn sleep:

  • Stick to your usual schedule, so baby is tired when you’re putting them down, and their structure isn’t disturbed.
  • Bring baby into the outdoor light during the day to help regulate their circadian rhythm.
  • Keep baby active during the day to help with tiredness.
  • Keep the room dark and cool.
  • Allow baby to self-soothe and adjust if necessary.

Whatever your usual schedule and routines are, keep them as close as possible. If you’re unable to get away from the fireworks, your best option is to perfect the other factors.

Fireworks aren’t ideal for your child’s bedtime, but keep in mind your child might not have any problems. Before you’re worrying, go through the day as usual and adapt if your newborn is unable to sleep. These tips help to prepare for fireworks and can help to avoid the problem altogether.

Here’s to a happy (and restful!) Independence Day. Get your Hatch Rest here. 
